CLICK ON SERIES CLICK ON HING DANG MI KI LAY RA "The Bull with the Heart of Gold" Sonam Dorji, also known as "Bull," who overcame numerous challenges to become the Gup of Kabjisa Gewog in Punakha Dzongkhag. Despite facing setbacks, Sonam Dorji's resilience and determination led him to success. He won the trust and support of the people after four courageous attempts, learning and growing stronger with each try. Sonam Dorji's leadership journey didn't end with becoming Gup. He went on to earn the respect of all elected leaders in the local government, becoming the Chairman of the Dzongkhag Tshogdu. However, his story of leadership goes beyond titles and positions. In a remarkable act of integrity and selflessness, Sonam Dorji made the decision to reject all allowances and benefits associated with his position, except for his monthly salary. He believed that his salary alone was enough to support his family, and he saw no need for additional perks. This selfless choice touched the hearts of his constituents and garnered national attention, with the country commending and appreciating his gesture. Sonam Dorji's journey exemplifies his unwavering commitment to the people he serves. His resilience, determination, and selflessness have earned him the respect and support of his Gewog and Punakha Dzongkhag. He continues to lead with integrity and compassion, inspiring others with his story of triumph over challenges. Host: Sonam Ugyen Guest: Sonam Dorji -Punakha Thrizin Camera/Editor: Yeshi Dorji (YEE DEE)
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